Who is Psilocybin For?

Psilocybin is For Anyone Who Wishes to Feel More Connected to Themselves, the World Around Them and Experience Deeper Levels of Healing, Universal Love, and Inner Peace

Why People Come for a Psilocybin Experience?

Psilocybin is for anyone who wishes to expand their awareness to gain deeper insight. The below diagram gives you some examples of why people have attended one of our retreats here at Acsauhaya.

Brainstorm picture for reasons to attend our retreats
be in harmony with yourself text with blue geometrical design

When to Attend a Psilocybin Retreat?

Personal development, consciousness expansion, introspection, spiritual growth, connection to emotions, and everything in between is what an experience with psilocybin can bring.

The Call

Many people describe feeling a ‘call’ to participate in a psychedelic experience. This call can take many forms but most commonly, people feel an intuitive urge to attend a retreat or ceremony. Often people describe repeatedly hearing about psychedelic experiences from various sources and the profound impact these can have.

Deciding to attend a psilocybin retreat generally indicates a wish to gain a deeper understanding of who you really are, the world around you, and to find a deeper meaning in your life. These deep understandings can provide access to your higher potential and feelings of connectedness within yourself as well as with your surroundings and the people around you.

be in harmony with yourself text with blue geometrical design

Personal Development

A psilocybin retreat is also a valuable tool for personal development, mental health, and healing. It can be very effective when you’re feeling stuck or struggling to come out of certain blockages or patterns that are no longer serving you. Many of these patterns and blockages can seem deeply rooted and inaccessible through your conscious mind. In this way, an experience with psilocybin can reach beyond your consciousness into the subconscious to provide insights about, or indeed remove, these patterns or blockages so you can continue your path of healing.

Living your Authentic Self

An experience with psilocybin can also be very helpful for those who want to expand their consciousness, or feel more aligned within themselves. However it is important to note that these experiences can be very confronting as they challenge certain beliefs and perspectives we hold to be ‘true’.

These beliefs and patterns are often quite limiting as they present a version of reality that is full of lack. Feelings of insecurity, not being worthy, or not having enough of something can drain our motivation, hindering our flow of expression, creating dissatisfaction – both internally and externally.

Sometimes complete world views are shifted as intense spiritual awakenings are realised. Experiences like this are often somewhat disorientating at first, however, over time this new way of observing reality is ultimately quite liberating.

Woman meditating on yoga mat during sunset
Woman meditating on yoga mat during sunset

Psilocybin can Confront Us with Our Shadow-Self, to Set Free Trapped Energy which Prevents Us from Living Our Authentic Self

What Results Can I Expect?

Naturally, when booking a psilocybin experience there will be certain expectations, not only about the experience itself, but the outcomes or changes when returning to daily life.

From our extensive experience with these processes, we advice people to not go into a ceremony with too many expectations. It is important to understand that no one can predict how your experience will be or what exact outcomes will manifest. Outcomes generally depend on various personal and situational factors, however, there are some outcomes that are often reported which are listed in the table below.

Psilocybin is a powerful tool that can aid the path of personal growth and change. However, this plant medicine is not a magic pill. To extract the most out of your experience it is very advantageous to already have an intention towards real transformation and growth.

A psychedelic experience at Acsauhaya is not designed to be a substitute for any medications, including anti-depressants. This is why we require all our guests, with the supervision of their doctors, to have stopped any medication that may contraindicate with our psilocybin medicine.

Insights about thought or behavioural patterns
Increased clarity or perspective
Greater understanding of yourself and others
Increase in positive thoughts, reduction in negative thoughts
More self-reflection
Expanded consciousness
Experiences of oneness/connectedness
Feeling “awakened” or enhanced “understanding”
Less stress and more patience
More energy
A sense of purification
Better sleep
Intention to have a healthier diet
Reduced “have-to” pressure, less stress
Increasing empathy
Greater self-confidence
Greater self-acceptance and a more honest image of oneself
The ability to enjoy things more often
More lightness in life
An improved ability to deal with emotions
More serenity and peace
Dissolving of anxieties

Our retreats offer Extensive Support Programmes to Help You During Your Integration Process

Who Should NOT Join a Psilocybin Retreat?

Our psilocybin retreats are not for everybody. As such, we have a very thorough application process where we explore, together, the degree to which you are ready for an experience such as this.  Below you will find a list of possible reasons why a psychedelic retreat may not be appropriate for you at this time. However, this list is highly context dependant and does not always mean an automatic refusal so please contact us if you have any questions.

Psilocybin might NOT be for you, if:

  • You have (had) psychiatric problems or mental disorders, such as schizophrenia or psychoses.
  • You are using drugs or medications that can cause contra-indications or difficulties during your experience, such as antidepressants (serotonin reuptake inhibitors – SRIs) or tranquillizers (e.g. oxazepam, diazepam or alprazolam).
  • You have a severe kidney disease, severe neurological disorders, epilepsy, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, blood dyscrasia (abnormal blood cells) or you’ve had hemorrhagic bleeding and/or stroke, or an actual or expected pheochromocytoma (an adrenal lump).
  • You are looking for a quick-fix or a magic pill (“brew” in this case). Even though there are examples of people that do describe their psilocybin experience as some sort of drastic turning point in their life, you shouldn’t expect psilocybin to just “fix” you. What we mean by that is that psilocybin is a tool for consciousness evolution and healing, a teacher, a spirit. However, you are the one using the tool. You ultimately decide how deeply the tool will be able to help you.
  • You are solely interested in having a fun psychedelic experience. Or you just want to give it a try, because it seems to be working for others.
Psilocybe atlantis Magic Truffles in a wooden bowl and placed in two hands on green gras

If you are still not sure if Psilocybin can be a good next step in your process or if you have any specific doubts or questions concerning your (mental) health situation, please do not hesitate to contact us.