Ayahuasca Is A Process

Ayahuasca Offers an Opportunity to Heal and Overcome Limiting Belief Systems that Prevent You from Accessing Your Highest Potential

We often say that Ayahuasca is a process of healing that begins as soon as you decide to work with this beautiful sacred plant medicine. This can trigger feelings, emotions, thoughts, and behavioural patters even before you come to the Netherlands for your ceremony! Starting with your intention to heal, evolve, and release aspects of your experience that prevent you from living to your fullest potential.

Opening the Door to a Hidden World

When you enter a journey with Ayahuasca you are being shown that which you cannot see. This is why old, or current, negative patterns return, or become intensified, leading up to the ceremony. You are about to take a giant leap into what is beneath your conscious awareness and subconsciously we can be afraid to let of us these destructive but habitual patterns as the unknown is more daunting.

However, Ayahuasca gives you a high degree of inner knowledge and power. It is the key that opens the door to our hidden world of emotions and helps you to understand them better in order to learn from them. Ayahuasca provides the distance required from these patterns so they don’t completely overwhelm you in daily life.


Ayahuasca Is Not a Magic Pill (or brew)

Ayahuasca is a special medicine that shines a spotlight on aspect of our experience that are maladaptive. New research indicates that psychedelic experiences re-open a ‘critical period’(Nardou et al., 2023). The critical period is a term used to describe when a person is sensitive to learning new patterns and recoding old ones. It is a special time where you can reinforce the tools of personal development and the maintenance of various insights into your daily experience.

Within this critical period, you have an opportunity to re-establish habits and patterns that help you to feel more contentment in your life. This being so, working with Ayahuasca is a collaboration between you and this scared plant. Commitment to the work will ensure lasting change, and remember – here at Acsauhaya we are always here to support you on your journey before, during, and after the ceremonies.

The Real Work Begins at Home

Integration is everything! We always say that when you go home the real work begins, however, this is can also be the most exciting time as you re-experience your life from a place of openness and healing.  This time offers you a powerful opportunity to anchor your psychedelic experience into tangible positive change in your life. Guidance at this stage can greatly accelerate your progress, expand, and enhance the transformational gifts you have received within your psychedelic journey.

As we want you to gain the most out of our experience and to assist your journey of spiritual development, our retreats offer an extensive support programme in addition to the ceremonies. These focus on helping you to prepare and explore intentions and supports you in the after process of integrating the insights received during your ceremony.


Achieve True Growth by Implementing Your Insights Step-by-Step

In order to get most out of the healing process, we would recommend you to:

  • Take plenty of time for and with yourself (many people feel a need to spend time alone in nature)
  • Implement a practice to quiet your mind (e.g. meditation, yoga, mindfulness)
  • Maintain a healthy diet (many people feel a need to eat more fruits and veggies and less/no meat)
  • Take time to reflect (keep a diary, write, talk, whatever works for you)
  • Be more conscious of who you allow into “your space” (try to connect more to those who are good for you and beneficial for your personal healing process and less to those who are not; allow yourself to set boundaries)
  • Make time and space for yourself and integrate things into your life that really bring you joy (such as playing sports, creating music, reading, cooking, hiking or other things that make you feel good)
Woman is meditation while sun rises

Getting the maximum benefit of this healing process can require a few basic principles that will greatly assist you on this exciting path. Being in the right environment, having access to right resources, and expert guidance will help you to actualise yourself in a profound way.

We know from experience the powerful impact Ayahuasca can have on a person’s life. We view preparation and integration as an essential part of the process and are dedicated to supporting you on this profound journey.

To read more about the support network of Acsauhaya, click here.